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Valentinstag im Guggital

Valentine's Day at Guggital, Friday, February 14th

We would be pleased to spoil you with a wonderful Valentine's day menu.

Guggital Valentine's day

Guggital Valentine's day menu

We look forward to you and your date!

Traditional Guggital's Metzgete - Thanks for your visit

Metzgete im Guggital

Saturday, February 30th and Sunday, February 1st, 2020

Metzgete buffet in Guggital, with traditional and modern reinterpreted Metzgete dishes:
„Schwein'isch guet“

Metzgete Buffet

Guggital traditionelle Metzgete

We are looking forward seeing you to the Guggitaler Metzgete 2020!

Cheese Fondue at Guggital

Swiss Cheese Fondue

Swiss Cheese Fondue outdoors with a magnificient view of the city and lake


Guggital Chateaubriand

en/aktuell/start.1580909300.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/02/15 13:18 (Externe Bearbeitung)